Tag: Mac

  • Default path on OSX

    Started working with Homebrew recently instead of Macports to install third party packages on OSX. Homebrew comes with a doctor command that lets you know any conflicts that may cause it to not function properly. Short of it all is that Homebrew told me I needed to modify my path to make sure the /usr/local/bin…

  • FaceTime for Mac

    The other big news out of Apple today was FaceTime for Mac. I personally think that windows should be next, but its a great step towards making this iPhone 4 function more usable. If you have a Mac, get your beta copy here.

  • App Store for the Mac?

    Did you watch Apple’s keynote speech this morning (or afternoon depending on your timezone)? There were some pretty interesting announcements, but the most significant of those is the new Mac App Store. Its being opened in 90 days and it works pretty much just like the iOS App Store. But, what does that mean for…

  • Get going with Tomcat & Eclipse on OSX

    I recently had to move a project off of Google App Engine. To my surprise, Google App Engines performance was just not fast enough for this project. In any case, this lead to my installation of Tomcat on OSX and integrating into Eclipse so here is how to do it: Get the latest tomcat: http://tomcat.apache.org/index.html.…

  • Launch VNC From the terminal

    Mac OSX Hints has a very nifty tip on launching VNC from The terminal! Take a look: http://hints.macworld.com/article.php?story=20100927085636535