Tag: java

  • How to determine and set your default java version on OSX

    Open terminal and do the following: [korey@localhost ~]$ cd /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines [korey@localhost /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines]$ ls -al This will give you a list of JDKs that you have installed. To set the default java version to 1.8.0_131 for example, use the following command: [korey@localhost ~]$ /usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8.0_131 –exec javac -version Related link

  • Automating Android Builds

    In order to have a fully regression tested application, it is necessary to have an automated build process to ensure all checkins are validated nightly ( or whatever your schedule is). This is a simple task for most Java projects, however you may run into some issues with Android that I point out here. If…

  • Another Blow to J2EE

    I recently came across the Play framework (not to be confused with the new name for the Android Market Place). Think of it as the Java version of Ruby on Rails, or one of a dozen other frameworks that leverage convention over configuration. The real beauty here is that you get all the benefits of…

  • GAE: Querying on Child objects using parent Key

    This post is about the Google App Engine and its limitations. I googled for a while to try and find an article on how to do better queries using the datastore, but I did not find what I needed. I hope this helps some of you out there. I have a a bunch of child…

  • Get going with Tomcat & Eclipse on OSX

    I recently had to move a project off of Google App Engine. To my surprise, Google App Engines performance was just not fast enough for this project. In any case, this lead to my installation of Tomcat on OSX and integrating into Eclipse so here is how to do it: Get the latest tomcat: http://tomcat.apache.org/index.html.…